Setting Up a Home Inspection in Atlanta, GA?

Make sure your property inspection includes your HVAC system

An HVAC system is a vital component of every modern home in the Atlanta, GA area. It can also be expensive to replace if something goes seriously wrong. Make sure you know what to expect from your home's heating and cooling unit. A qualified home inspector will test your current or prospective home's HVAC system, paying attention to overall function, operating problems and future concerns.

Get It Done Home Inspections offers a "worry-free promise." If there's a problem with our initial property inspection, we'll perform an additional inspection for 30%-50% off.

Why do you need an HVAC inspection?

A home inspector can tell you about…

  • The HVAC system’s overall condition: Is your AC unit on its last leg, or does it have years of life left?
  • Potential problems: Find out what kind of repairs and maintenance work your system could need in the near future.
  • Red flags: Gas leaks and carbon monoxide can turn a furnace into a ticking time bomb—make sure you’re not putting your family in danger.

If you have any service records for your HVAC system, let your home inspector see them when they arrive. Contact our Atlanta, GA office today to set up a property inspection.